Conquest WITH Your Clients!

Conventional Mortgage sign on the tiny wooden home.  US military man with family showing keys from house, benefits in crediting.

Conventional Mortgage sign on the tiny wooden home. US military man with family showing keys from house, benefits in crediting.

Viewpoint Financial Home Loans is happy to invite you and your clients to try the Conquest Program. When it comes to attracting a wider collection of homebuyers, there’s nothing more powerful in the market today than our Conquest program.
Let’s dive into what the Conquest Program can offer:

Forbearance Update

Video of Forbearance Update.

Viewpoint Financial Home Loans has strived to keep our referral partners informed throughout this pandemic. With most of our colleagues and partners returning to work in the coming weeks, we plan to return to continuing our series of videos as well as keeping you informed of the latest news that involves us all. Thank you for taking time out of your schedules every Friday to join us for our Mortgage Moments.

A Guide to COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Relief

In response to the coronavirus impact on the economy the government is contemplating a stimulus package or bailout for companies in financial crisis.

In response to the coronavirus impact on the economy the government is contemplating a stimulus package or bailout for companies in financial crisis.

If you have already received that $1200 we’ve been hearing about, Congratulations! If you haven’t, check out the below excerpt from an email received from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It may give some very useful information.

CFPB Issues Credit Reporting Guidance During COVID-19 Pandemic

Credit Score rating based on debt reports showing creditworthiness or risk of individuals for student loan, mortgage and payment cards, concept with business person touching scorecard on screen.

Credit Score rating based on debt reports showing creditworthiness or risk of individuals for student loan, mortgage and payment cards, concept with business person touching scorecard on screen.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) today released a policy statement outlining the responsibility of credit reporting companies and furnishers during the COVID-19 pandemic.